
Château Saint Julien

Denva & Blair

wedding photo of the day   How: Towards the end of the cocktail party, I instructed the couple walk up and down a path cut within a grassy area. This was one of two sessions we did that day (the bride had two dresses). We spent about 30...

Wedding Clos de la Vaupalière


Wedding photo of the day   When: The photo was taken seconds after the bouquet toss. An unanticipated, but lucky, lady caught the bouquet after a dis centered throw by Aminata. This cause a dispute among the favorites to win.   Why: I love how expressive and animated the members are...

Bride Entering Church


Wedding photo of the day   Why: That wedding dress! That red!...

Chateau du Bois Guy


wedding photo of the day   How: I was cramped up in the corner of the room fighting  to get a larger frame during this moment when Natasha was getting ready. I was hoping she would tern her head to bring detail to what I was already seeing...